try(if $.allEdges == True then ($.allEdges=False) else ($.allEdges=True))catch()
if $ != undefined do (
for Obj in $ where isValidNode obj do
local mat = obj.material
showTextureMap mat on
if superClassOf mat == material AND isproperty mat "diffuseMap" AND classOf mat.diffuseMap == bitMapTexture do
mat.opacityMap = copy mat.diffuseMap
mat.opacityMap.monoOutput = 1
mat.opacityMap.alphaSource = 0
mat.Soften = 0
mat.glossiness = 0
mat.specularLevel = 0
mat.Specular = color 224 224 224
mat.Diffuse = color 224 224 224
mat.ambient = color 224 224 224
mat.twoSided = on
ambientColor = color 64 64 64
if (maxVersion())[1] >= 13000 then (actionMan.executeAction 0 "63508")
else (actionMan.executeAction 0 "40807")
allBones = for item in $objects where classof item == BoneGeometry \
or classof item == Biped_Object \
or item.boneEnable == True collect item
select allBones
for obj in objects do (obj.wirecolor = color (random 0 255) (random 0 255) (random 0 255))
If $selection.count != undefined do
for obj in $selection do (obj.wirecolor = color (random 0 255) (random 0 255) (random 0 255))
fn getAffectedVerts skinMod boneID=
numVerts=skinOps.getNumberVertices skinMod
for i = 1 to numVerts do
numBoneAffectVert=skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount skinMod i
for boneNum = 1 to numBoneAffectVert do
sysBoneID=skinOps.GetVertexWeightBoneID skinMod i boneNum
if sysBoneID==boneID then append vertAr i
for x in selection do
if (classOf (curMod))==skin then
boneIndex=skinOps.getSelectedBone curMod
affectedVerts=getAffectedVerts curMod boneIndex
skinOps.selectVertices curMod affectedVerts
( )
for i = 1 to $selection.count do
if $selection[i].pos.controller != Position_XYZ then $selection[i].pos.controller = Position_XYZ ()
if $selection[i].pos.controller.X_Position.controller != linear_float then $selection[i].pos.controller.X_Position.controller = linear_float ()
if $selection[i].pos.controller.Y_Position.controller != linear_float then $selection[i].pos.controller.Y_Position.controller = linear_float ()
if $selection[i].pos.controller.Z_Position.controller != linear_float then $selection[i].pos.controller.Z_Position.controller = linear_float ()
if $selection[i].rotation.controller != Euler_XYZ then $selection[i].rotation.controller = Euler_XYZ ()
if $selection[i].rotation.controller.X_Rotation.controller != linear_float then $selection[i].rotation.controller.X_Rotation.controller = linear_float ()
if $selection[i].rotation.controller.Y_Rotation.controller != linear_float then $selection[i].rotation.controller.Y_Rotation.controller = linear_float ()
if $selection[i].rotation.controller.Z_Rotation.controller != linear_float then $selection[i].rotation.controller.Z_Rotation.controller = linear_float ()
if $selection[i].scale.controller != ScaleXYZ then $selection[i].scale.controller = ScaleXYZ ()
if $selection[i].scale.controller.X_Scale.controller != linear_float then $selection[i].scale.controller.X_Scale.controller = linear_float ()
if $selection[i].scale.controller.Y_Scale.controller != linear_float then $selection[i].scale.controller.Y_Scale.controller = linear_float ()
if $selection[i].scale.controller.Z_Scale.controller != linear_float then $selection[i].scale.controller.Z_Scale.controller = linear_float ()
$selection[i].pos.controller = Position_XYZ ()
$selection[i].pos.controller.X_Position.controller = bezier_float ()
$selection[i].pos.controller.Y_Position.controller = bezier_float ()
$selection[i].pos.controller.Z_Position.controller = bezier_float ()