Telegram : Telegram
Telegram : Telegram
, Telegram . , "" . , () . "" , ( ).
"RUAW Chat Relay" ( ) Start, Telegram Start. . - . C++ , " " .
: ruawchat_telegram.exe. : Windows ( 10 ), - Wine Linux. exe , . Visual C++ Redistributable Microsoft . , .. - . "Telegram token (for Telegram bot) ". , Telegram, @BotFather . Telegram . "Your telegram ID? " - Telegram ID, , . ID ! ID , . , "Connecting to Telegram bot with specified token... Done. " ( ). " ..." - , . .
/setname . , . /start . ( , / ) . . , (), - . telegram ID, ( ). . . , . ( - ), /verify <telegram_id> <name> . /verify 123456 doctor . ID 123456 doctor , . telegram ID ? ( ID , ). telegram id, - "Telegram user John Smith (id:123456) wrote... ". telegram ID , , names_and_privilegies.txt 123456 doctor doctor 0 0 0 123456 doctor doctor 1 1 0 - , . . . /verify <telegram_id> <name> ( ), . : /ban <telegram_id> - . . /restore <telegram_id> - . /forget <telegram_id> - "" . , . , . /addadmin <telegram_id> - . , . /settimeout <0-720> - , , . /start . , , - , , , . ( ) . /settimeout 0 - . : 24 : /help , /settings - , /stop - . , .. "" . /start .