Порой трудно найти в инете какой либо необходимый алгоритм, функцию или полнофункциональный максскрипт.
Предлагаю размещать здесь подобные найденные и свои разработки,а так же ссылки на коды других форумов...
Замечу, что русские буквы нежелательно использовать в максскрипт даже в каментах
поэтому здесь только как пояснение или пояснение перед кодом.
-- пользуясь классами удобно
-- Выделить:
-- сплайны
select (for i in $* where superclassof i == shape collect i)
-- геометрию
select (for i in $* where superclassof i == GeometryClass collect i)
-- геометрию (не кости)
select (for i in $* where superclassof i == GeometryClass and classof i != BoneGeometry and classof i != Biped_Object collect i)
-- кости
select (for i in $* where classof i == BoneGeometry or classof i == Biped_Object collect i)
-- хелперы
select (for i in $* where superclassof i == helper collect i)
-- лампочки
select (for i in $* where superclassof i == light collect i)
-- камеры
select (for i in $* where superclassof i == camera collect i)
fn roundeNX n x = (((n as integer)/x)*x)
fn round a = if abs(floor(a) - a)>.5 then floor(a)+1.0 else floor(a)
fn xround x = (
fx = floor x
cx = ceil x
return if 0.5 * (fx + cx) > x then fx else cx
fn round_to val n =
local mult = 10.0 ^ n
(floor ((val * mult) + 0.5)) / mult
-- example
-- round_to 3.625 2 -> 3.63
-- round_to 3.6254521 4 -> 3.6255
fn minimum a b = ( if a <b then a else b)
fn maximum a b = ( if a <b then b else a)
fn maximum_3 a b c = (if (maximum a b)<c then c else if (maximum b c)<a then a else b)
fn minimum_3 a b c = (if (minimum a b)>c then c else if (minimum b c)>a then a else b)
fn minimumArr Arr =(
for i=Arr.count-1 to 1 by -1 do
if a>Arr[i+1] then a=Arr[i+1]
return a
fn maximumArr Arr =(
for i=Arr.count-1 to 1 by -1 do
if a<Arr[i+1] then a=Arr[i+1]
return a
Среднее арифметическое:
fn midariphm a b = ((a+b)/2)
fn midariphm3x a b c = ((a+b+c)/3)
fn midAriphmArr Arr = (
for i=1 to Arr.count do(a+=Arr[i])
return b
Поворот камеры расположенной в точке F в направлении точки L. (F и L являются point3):
fn rotatecam F L=(
worldUpVector = [0,0,1] --(inverse(obj2.transform)).row3
rightVector = normalize (cross worldUpVector m_r)
upVector = normalize ( cross rightVector m_r)
cam_rotate=matrix3 rightVector upVector m_r L
return cam_rotate)
С Новым 2015 годом! и
С Рождеством Христовым!
А ещё родился скрипт генератор карты высот из моделей в 3дс макс с версии 9 и выше :-)
Достаточно выделить одну или несколько мешей и нажать go...
Предварительные параметры интуитивно понятны ;)
Скачать: http://worlds.activeworlds.ru/twoinone/downloads/maxscripts/heightmap_saturn_render_v1_05.7z
Приятного изучения Maxscript! :-)
Вот эти вот.... с интуитивным понятием мне точно нужны. Столько хороших форм, которых мне точно не хватает в мирах. Я тоже хочу такую прогу! )))
knot_pos1=null;knot_pos2=null;knot_pos3=null;S_C=n ull;nk=null;dopknot=null;qq=null
undo "shape_mod" on
for i in selection where superClassof i == shape do
S_C = copy i; S_C.name = uniquename (i.name+"_mod")
convertToSplineShape S_C
for sp=1 to numSplines S_C do
for spv = 1 to numKnots S_C sp do
setKnotType S_C sp spv #corner
for sp=1 to (numSplines S_C) do
nk = numKnots S_C sp
if nk > 2 do
if isClosed S_C sp then qq=1 else qq=2
for spv = 1 to nk-qq do
knot_pos1=getknotpoint S_C sp spv
if (spv+1) < nk then
dopknot = spv+1
knot_pos2=getknotpoint S_C sp (spv+2)
dopknot = nk
knot_pos2=getknotpoint S_C sp 1
setKnotPoint S_C sp dopknot knot_pos3
updateShape S_C
Если иерархия(напр. skeleton rigidmesh) найти root (все root) объекты:
root_bone = for i in $* where (classof i.baseobject == BoneGeometry or i.boneEnable == true) and i.parent == undefined collect i
вернёт array массив содержащий все найденные root объекты.
Explore 3ds max system folder
-- Maxscript(MXS)3ds max 9 above Explore 3ds max system folder by JiSt
if myexplore != null then DestroyDialog myexplore
local narr = #(#font,#Scene,#Export,#import,#help,#expression,# preview,#image,#Sound,#plugcfg, \
#maxstart,#vpost,#drivers,#autoback,#matlib,#scrip ts,#startupScripts,#defaults,#renderPresets,#ui, \
#maxroot,#renderoutput,#animations,#archives,#Phot ometric,#renderassets,#userScripts,#userMacros,#us erStartupScripts,#temp, \
#userIcons,#maxData,#downloads,#proxies,#assemblie s,#pageFile,#hardwareShadersCache)
local farr = #()
local ex = "explorer.exe "
rollout myexplore "Explore" width:176 height:688
GroupBox grp1 "Explore" pos:[8,8] width:160 height:672
button btn1 "font" pos:[16,24] width:144 height:16
button btn2 "Scene" pos:[16,40] width:144 height:16
button btn3 "Export" pos:[16,56] width:144 height:16
button btn4 "import" pos:[16,72] width:144 height:16
button btn5 "help" pos:[16,88] width:144 height:16
button btn6 "expression" pos:[16,104] width:144 height:16
button btn7 "preview" pos:[16,120] width:144 height:16
button btn8 "image" pos:[16,136] width:144 height:16
button btn9 "Sound" pos:[16,152] width:144 height:16
button btn10 "plugcfg" pos:[16,168] width:144 height:16
button btn11 "maxstart" pos:[16,184] width:144 height:16
button btn12 "vpost" pos:[16,200] width:144 height:16
button btn13 "drivers" pos:[16,216] width:144 height:16
button btn14 "autoback" pos:[16,232] width:144 height:16
button btn15 "matlib" pos:[16,248] width:144 height:16
button btn16 "scripts" pos:[16,264] width:144 height:16
button btn17 "startupScripts" pos:[16,280] width:144 height:16
button btn18 "defaults" pos:[16,296] width:144 height:16
button btn19 "renderPresets" pos:[16,312] width:144 height:16
button btn20 "ui" pos:[16,328] width:144 height:16
button btn21 "maxroot" pos:[16,344] width:144 height:16
button btn22 "renderoutput" pos:[16,360] width:144 height:16
button btn23 "animations" pos:[16,376] width:144 height:16
button btn24 "archives" pos:[16,392] width:144 height:16
button btn25 "Photometric" pos:[16,408] width:144 height:16
button btn26 "renderassets" pos:[16,424] width:144 height:16
button btn27 "userScripts" pos:[16,440] width:144 height:16
button btn28 "userMacros" pos:[16,456] width:144 height:16
button btn29 "userStartupScripts" pos:[16,472] width:144 height:16
button btn30 "temp" pos:[16,488] width:144 height:16
button btn31 "userIcons" pos:[16,504] width:144 height:16
button btn32 "maxData" pos:[16,520] width:144 height:16
button btn33 "downloads" pos:[16,536] width:144 height:16
button btn34 "proxies" pos:[16,552] width:144 height:16
button btn35 "assemblies" pos:[16,568] width:144 height:16
button btn36 "pageFile" pos:[16,584] width:144 height:16
button btn37 "hardwareShadersCache" pos:[16,600] width:144 height:16
button btn38 "Button" pos:[16,624] width:144 height:16
button btn39 "Button" pos:[16,640] width:144 height:16
button btn40 "Button" pos:[16,656] width:144 height:16
on myexplore open do (for q = 1 to narr.count do (farr[q] = GetDir narr[q]))
on btn1 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[1])
on btn2 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[2])
on btn3 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[3])
on btn4 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[4])
on btn5 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[5])
on btn6 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[6])
on btn7 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[7])
on btn8 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[8])
on btn9 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[9])
on btn10 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[10])
on btn11 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[11])
on btn12 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[12])
on btn13 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[13])
on btn14 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[14])
on btn15 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[15])
on btn16 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[16])
on btn17 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[17])
on btn18 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[18])
on btn19 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[19])
on btn20 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[20])
on btn21 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[21])
on btn22 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[22])
on btn23 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[23])
on btn24 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[24])
on btn25 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[25])
on btn26 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[26])
on btn27 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[27])
on btn28 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[28])
on btn29 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[29])
on btn30 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[30])
on btn31 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[31])
on btn32 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[32])
on btn33 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[33])
on btn34 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[34])
on btn35 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[35])
on btn36 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[36])
on btn37 pressed do DOSCommand (ex+farr[37])
on btn38 pressed do ()
on btn39 pressed do ()
on btn40 pressed do ()
createdialog myexplore
Два тела(точки). Расположить третью точку камеру на векторе этих точек,за пределами точек,повернув камеру на объекты.
Нажатие Ctrl - следующий вариант. Можно и отключить закомент. последнюю строку.
number_demo = 10
pause_demo = 500
rnd_pos_min = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
rnd_pos_max = [70.0,70.0,70.0]
rnd_pos_saturn = random rnd_pos_min rnd_pos_max
rnd_pos_earth = random rnd_pos_min rnd_pos_max
min_distance = 15.0
app = dotNetclass "System.Windows.Forms.Application"
global escapeEnable = false
fn jstmr t = (
ts = timestamp()
te = ts+t
while (timestamp()) < te do (app.doEvents())
fn rotatecam2 f l = (
memsc = f.scale
mempos = f.pos
m_r = l.pos - f.pos
worldUpVector = [0,0,1]
rightVector = normalize ( cross worldUpVector m_r )
upVector = normalize ( cross rightVector m_r )
cam_rotate = matrix3 rightVector upVector m_r l.pos
memrot = cam_rotate.rotation
cam_rotate.scale = memsc
cam_rotate.rotation = memrot
cam_rotate.pos = mempos
return cam_rotate
fn antizavis=(
fn distance_points a b = (return sqrt (( a.x - b.x )^2 + ( a.y - b.y )^2 + ( a.z - b.z )^2))
if getnodebyname "earth" == undefined or getnodebyname "saturn" == undefined or getnodebyname "camera" == undefined then
delete $*
ca = Freecamera fov:45 targetDistance:160 nearclip:1 farclip:1000 nearrange:0 farrange:1000 mpassEnabled:off mpassRenderPerPass:off transform:(matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,0,1] [0,-1,0] [0,0,0])
ca.name = "camera"
ea = Sphere radius:2 smooth:on segs:48 chop:0 slice:off sliceFrom:0 sliceTo:0 mapcoords:on recenter:off pos:[0,0,0]
ea.name = "earth"
sa = Sphere radius:8 smooth:on segs:48 chop:0 slice:off sliceFrom:0 sliceTo:0 mapcoords:on recenter:off pos:[0,0,0]
sa.name = "saturn"
ca.wirecolor = black; ea.wirecolor =(color 28 149 177); sa.wirecolor = (color 221 200 131)
select ca
for t = 1 to number_demo do
if keyboard.escPressed then exit
if viewport.numViews == 4 then
avport = viewport.activeViewport
viewport.activeViewport = 3
viewport.setType #view_camera
viewport.activeViewport = avport
rnd_pos_saturn = random rnd_pos_min rnd_pos_max
rnd_pos_earth = random rnd_pos_min rnd_pos_max
while distance_points rnd_pos_saturn rnd_pos_earth < min_distance do
if keyboard.escPressed then exit
rnd_pos_saturn = random rnd_pos_min rnd_pos_max
rnd_pos_earth = random rnd_pos_min rnd_pos_max
format "distance: %\n" (distance_points rnd_pos_saturn rnd_pos_earth)
sa.pos = rnd_pos_saturn
ea.pos = rnd_pos_earth
ca.pos = ea.pos + ( (ea.pos - sa.pos) * coef )
ca.transform = rotatecam2 ca ea
max tool zoomextents all; max tool zoomextents all; jstmr pause_demo; antizavis()
while not keyboard.controlPressed do (if keyboard.escPressed then exit; app.doEvents())